
Becuase Of You 因为有你 - 徐白(서하얀)李赫鎭(이혁진)

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Writer WOWCCM Reply 0 Hit 1,105 Date 16-09-26 12:18





Because of You

살아있다고 느낄수 있네  能感觉到活着
날아갈 것만 같은 기분에  就像飞起的心情
주님이 함께 계시기 때문에  正因为主与我同在
자유롭게 예배를 드리네  尽情地献上礼拜
주의 임재 나를 덮네 主临在我的心里
Because of you I can dance  因为有你我能跳起来

Because of you I lift my hands  因为有你我能举起手
Because of you I can sing I am free  因为有你我唱我自由了
We’re jumping Shouting Dancing  我们跳跃,呼喊, 跳舞
Spinning Singing There’s freedom  旋转, 唱歌, 我自由了

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